4 Ways to Become Your Future Self Now

We all envision where we see ourselves in the future and the hopes, goals, and dreams that shape us.

But what can we do to escape our current realities and step into the shoes of our future selves? 

"Manifestation is the bridge between imagination and accomplishment." - Zig Ziglar 

You must become the person you want to be to succeed in your business and personal life.

When we declare our dreams to the Universe and then take ourselves out of our comfort zone, we get on a fast track to cracking old belief systems open. 

We will delve into some ways you can step into your future self now. 

  1. Releasing blocks 

  2. Alchemizing your vision 

  3. Acting "as if" 

  4. Taking Inspired Action


Manifestation is about making your dream a reality through your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions. You need to take inspired action toward what you truly desire.

Manifestation is about shifting your energy and attention onto what you want and consciously influencing the course of events, thus drawing in opportunities, people, and circumstances that align with your desires. 

Manifestation requires active engagement on both the conscious and unconscious levels.

By cultivating a positive mindset, clarifying your intentions, and aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions, you can tap into the infinite possibilities and bring your dreams to fruition.

What Manifestation is Not

Manifestation is not just saying affirmations over and over again.

While that may help at the moment and make small imprints in your mind, making substantial changes to the subconscious mind requires re-wiring.

Manifestation has nothing to do with superstition. 

We're all human beings; we'll have high-vibrational days and low ones, too—having a "low vibe" thought won't take you out of the game.

It's a major moment when you finally step into your manifestation practice, recognize your inner power, and hit send on your message to the Universe that you are READY to call in your desires.

Terms to Know

Limiting Beliefs

Subconscious beliefs about ourselves and others hold us back from reaching our potential. Our subconscious contains views from parental, societal, and peer imprinting. 


A belief or practice resulting from fear of the unknown, trust in chance, ignorance, or a false conception of causation.

The List 

Your handwritten list of what you want to manifest.


Creating through partnership, in manifestation, and co-creation with the Universe looks like positive occurrences in our lives when our subconscious beliefs are of high worth and align with what we call in.

Release Blocks

When we live in shame, we limit our ability to be seen. Releasing these feelings opens our hearts. You are 100% a part of the process.

First, you must be clear about your desires and beliefs; then, the Universe will do the heavy lifting. Belief is the driving force behind manifestation. 

Limiting beliefs and negative self-talk can hinder your potential and ability to step into that future version of yourself.

Standard blocks are fears of failure, imposter syndrome, or self-doubt. Getting wrapped up in these thoughts is easy, and staying comfortable with where you are is effortless.

The real growth lies in dealing with these limiting beliefs and releasing these blocks. 

Create a positive mindset and develop faith in manifesting your desires. Replace self-doubt and limiting beliefs with empowering thoughts and affirmations.

Believe that you deserve and are capable of achieving what you desire.

To release these blocks and get rid of these limiting beliefs, try: 


Sometimes, you're stuck, but you don't know why. You haven't dealt with the limiting beliefs inside of you, and you need to figure out where to begin.

Journaling is a great way to identify your limiting beliefs as well as challenge them. By utilizing a journal and journal prompts, you can locate where exactly you are blocked and work to let go of it. 

Visualization Techniques

It can be hard to believe that you can achieve your dreams. It's one thing to know what you truly desire, but it's another to see yourself fulfilling it.

Sometimes, the idea lays in your head, but you can't seem to fathom how to bring it to fruition.

By visualizing yourself achieving your goals, you can program your mind into believing that these goals are tangible and you have the power to achieve them.

Visualize in detail and create a clear image of what you truly want. 


Use affirmations to reprogram the negative self-talk that goes on within your head. Make sure your affirmations are in the present tense and use positive language.

Use statements with "I" to own your desires. Make sure that you feel and experience the emotions and sensations that come to fruition when saying your affirmations.

Connecting with these feelings helps to evoke the energetic vibration that aligns with what you want to manifest.

Alchemize Your Vision

Vision inspires, compels, and lights you up. Tune in and find it by connecting to your senses.

Start by creating a list of what you truly desire. It doesn't have to be fancy; visualize what you want and hand-write it with intention. Revisit your list and create a clear picture in your mind. 

You can create a vision board to help yourself see what you want. A vision board is a visual representation of your goals. Quotes, images, words, and colors embody your desires.

To create a vision board, reflect on your dreams and desires. You can make your board once you are clear on what you want. There is no set "way" to create your vision board.

Put together words, images, colors, etc., reminding you of your goals. Revisit this board regularly to remind you what you're striving for and align yourself with your aspirations' energy. 

Act “As If”

Align your future vision and what you want to call into your current timeline. Start by raising your vibration. All the Universe knows is to match your vibration.

You get it back when you put love or gratitude into the Universe. Raising your vibration is an essential aspect of magnetism and manifestation.

Your vibration refers to the energetic frequency you emit, which attracts experiences and circumstances of a similar frequency.

Behavior precedes identity; you become it by acting like your future self. Envision what your future self will do and start implementing changes to your daily life. 

  • Base your choices on how your future self would approach situations. 

  • Implement routines and daily habits that align with your future self's goals. 

  • Speak with confidence and use language that reflects your future achievements. 

Also, create space in your life. This is essential for allowing the manifestation process to unfold smoothly. When you make space, you create a fertile ground for your desires to manifest.

By reducing the unnecessary stuff in your life, you can create the time, space, atmosphere, and opportunity for what you're calling to show up.

Take Inspired Action

Get the energetic ball rolling by mapping out what you will achieve in the months and years ahead. 

Manifestation is not just "thinking positive" and then sitting back and letting it happen. You'll need to map out what you will achieve in the 12 months ahead and then take inspired action toward your desires.

Manifestation is not solely about wishful thinking; it requires proactive steps. 

There is a difference between busy action and inspired action. 

Take inspired action to become your future self. Identify what you think is the "next right step." It's more comforting to think about the long-term idea of achieving your goals, but you must reflect on what you need to do next to achieve them.

Break your goals down into small, manageable steps and focus on your next small step. 

Embrace imperfection. Everything will not always go according to plan, and that's okay. That is inevitable.

What defines whether or not you can step into your future self or not is whether you can handle these setbacks and keep moving forward.

Focus on the progress that you have made, and do not stress about perfection. 

Celebrate your milestones. Even though you may not be where you want to be, you are further from where you were before.

Acknowledge the steps you have taken and the places you have come. Reward yourself for reaching these milestones.


By truly understanding how to manifest your wants and desires, you can attract the life of your dreams.

You become a magnet for all you desire through clarity, confidence, intention, action, gratitude, detachment, visualization, trust, and patience.

Embrace the process, stay committed, and witness the magic of manifestation unfold in your life.

About The Writer: Diya Kumar is a student at Northeastern University studying Business Administration and Computer Science. She is interested in yoga and all things wellness. You can learn more about her on LinkedIn.


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