Day 1: The Physical

To kickstart this challenge, ask yourself:

What is one thing in my physical space that I can clear out, something that I'm holding onto that's keeping me small?

Maybe a few pieces of clothing don't make you feel empowered, or leftovers in the fridge are past their expiration date. Choose one thing to cleanse in your space.

Once you've cleansed your space, it's time to nourish. For example, you might find a beautiful dress or restock your fridge with green juice.

Join a mastermind program to declutter your life and find your highest self.






Are you ready to choose what you do with your time and live a life that feels aligned with your values?

This intuitive mastermind experience offers a strategic approach for holistically-minded creatives, entrepreneurs, and innovators to cultivate their well-being and live their biggest, happiest life. 

Learn to:

→ release wasn’t doesn’t serve you

→ commit to purposeful evolution

→ create more sacred space

→ do more of what makes you happy

→ nourish the mind, body, and spirit

→ adopt new, healthy habits

→ invite intentional relationships


LMK if this sounds like you…


🥵 From the outside, It looks like you've got it all together. But honestly, your life feels scattered. You KNOW you need to get organized but have no idea where to start.

🌀 Your energy is totally drained. It's hard to drop into the flow, your social life is still in quarantine, and the unread # in your inbox is higher than your bank account. You want to create more freedom and live a life of honed intention and purpose.

📚 You’re a planner collector, looking for quick fixes, but ending up more cluttered than ever. You see a bright future but need help taking energetically aligned action to manifest your goals. 

💸 Somewhere in your house, there's a doom pile of unopened bills. You're ready to transform your scarcity mindset and call in more financial abundance for yourself and your community.

💞 Your relationships feel chaotic. They bring you joy and connection, but sometimes it’s the most toxic element of your life. You find intentional relationships hard to cultivate and hold onto people WAY past their expiration date.

🥗 You intend to eat intuitively, but somehow your intuition keeps leading you to In-N-Out. You know it’s going to take a whole lifestyle and mindset shift to stick to your goals.

i’ve been there

This is me when I haven't taken the time to be aware of my patterns and deconstruct and declutter my surroundings:

✓ I run into high-stress situations with last-minute deadlines and no time to work on my manifestations or care for my body. 

✓ I try every wellness product on the market to reinvigorate my daily rituals.

✓ I have trouble accessing my divine self and higher timeline. I'm so overwhelmed by the practical clutter of to-dos that I lose my connection to the universe and miss opportunities.

✓ I accept that I must be a lazy, messy person even though that's not who I want to be or know myself to be.

✓ I think of so many ideas but abandon them because I have too much on my plate.

✓ I feel shame, anxiety, and frustration with myself and know I need a mindset shift. 

^^^ doesn’t feel great.

I knew how good it felt to do a deep clean on my living space. So I thought, how can I recreate this feeling for each realm of my life? 

I spent time bringing awareness to every area of my life, getting honest with myself to uncover what wasn't serving me anymore and what lit me up.

This process was so transformative, and I got so many questions as people noticed how it had changed the game for me that I knew I had to bring this course to reality. I wanted to dive deeper and provide more resources, tips, and actionable steps that you can take.



The Summer Reset

Enroll before July 25, 2022 for $87 OFF. Discount added at checkout.

One time



private coaching upgrade

Enhance your Summer Reset experience with 4 hour-long 1:1 coaching sessions with Andi.
