5 lessons I've learned from 10 years as an OOO entrepreneur

Five Lessons to Create a 7-Figure Business and a Life You Love

Welcome to *The Unschool*, where each week, I, Andi Alleman, founder of Casa Noon Beauty and Oui, We Studio, share no-gatekeeping strategies to build your brand. Join me for smart ideas to help you spend more time out of the office and inspiring conversations with kind, caring creatives making an impact and life-changing money. We're rewriting the rules of business by blending intuitive flow with proven strategies.

Hey, it's Andi. Welcome back to *The Unschool*! I'm thrilled to have you here. After leading a corporate retreat in New Orleans and working on Casa Noon in New York, I'm now back in Los Angeles.

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The Journey: From Corporate to a 7-Figure Business

Building something meaningful takes time. If you're experiencing delays, remember everything happens in its own time. Over the past decade, I've grown my ventures into a 7-figure+ business while creating a life I truly love. Today, I want to share five key lessons that have been instrumental in this journey.

1. Done Is Better Than Perfect

In 2014, I quit my corporate job and landed a book deal. I lived off savings and a $30,000 book advance, which ran out faster than expected. This taught me that perfection can be a barrier to progress. By embracing the mantra "done is better than perfect," I began iterating, taking clients, and creating workshops. This proactive approach set the stage for future success and was a crucial step toward building my 7-figure business.

2. Every Failure Opens a New Door

In 2016, I started a fashion brand after running a fashion incubator. Despite the initial hype and media attention, I struggled to bring the brand to market. This failure, however, led to valuable connections and opportunities. Every setback can be a stepping stone to something greater. This lesson was pivotal in my growth, teaching me resilience and opening doors to new, lucrative opportunities.

3. Overnight Success Takes Thousands of Nights

By 2018, I was traveling worldwide, funding my adventures with one-on-one calls. I quickly learned that true success requires time and perseverance. This realization pushed me to create my first online course, generating $3,000 without one-on-one sessions. It was a game-changer, highlighting the importance of persistence and continuous improvement. This steady effort contributed significantly to achieving my 7-figure business goals.

4. It's Never Too Late to Master a New Skill

In 2020, the pandemic halted my travel writing career. I pivoted, relaunched an old course, and hosted workshops, leading to a $26,000 mastermind launch. I learned about funnels, automations, and course creation. This experience taught me that it's never too late to acquire new skills and adapt to changing circumstances. Mastering these new skills was essential in scaling my business to seven figures.

5. Always Invest in Yourself

In 2022, I moved across the country, got married, and started investing in masterminds, coaches, and retreats. This personal and professional growth underscored the importance of investing in oneself. These investments enriched my life and business, making me more capable and confident. Continually investing in my growth has been a cornerstone of building a thriving, 7-figure business.

Upcoming Workshop: Creating Automation, Social, and Email Funnels That Sell

This week, I'm hosting a free workshop, *Creating Automation: Social and Email Funnels That Sell*. You'll learn to:

- Create a 14-day content calendar using Human Design.

- Implement energetic attraction-style content.

- Use seven hooks to launch and sell new offers.

- Design a product suite that fits your talents.

- Develop an email funnel that has generated over $200,000 in sales for my courses, retreats, and masterminds.

If you miss the live session, don't worry. A replay will be available—just check the show notes or message us at team@ouiwestudio.com.

Conclusion: Embrace the Journey

To recap, here are the five lessons:

1. Done is better than perfect.

2. Every failure opens a new door.

3. Overnight success takes thousands of nights.

4. It's never too late to master a new skill.

5. Always invest in yourself.

I hope these insights support you on your entrepreneurial journey. Share this podcast episode with a friend who might benefit from it, and don't forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to stay updated with our weekly episodes.

Thank you for being here. Much love, take care, and be well. I'm cheering you on!

Andi Eaton Alleman

Andi Eaton is a creative director, author, entrepreneur, and cultural influencer in a variety of media. She produces Oui We (ouiwegirl.com) the modern bohemian's guide to everything from travel and style to beauty and holistic wellness. Andi and her projects have been featured on Domino, Glitter Guide, A Beautiful Mess, Southern Living, SELF, Hello Giggles, Refinery 29, WWD, Elle Canada and more; in 2017 she wrapped a year of road tripping throughout the U.S. photographing and documenting travel, style and culture stories available in her new book: "Wanderful: The Modern Bohemian's Guide to Traveling in Style".


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